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Abhishek Mitra has accomplished the defense of his PhD thesis with success!

Abhishek Mitra successfully defended his PhD thesis titled “Fragmentation-Based Quantum Chemistry on Classical and Quantum Computers”.  In July, he will join the Department of Research Education & Training Center (RETC) at Cleveland Clinic as a Postdoctoral Fellow in the lab of Dr. Kenneth Merz.  We wish Abhishek all the best in his future endeavors!

Dr. Daniel King successfully graduated on June 1, 2024

Congratulations to our newest Ph.D.!  His dedication and hard work have paved the way for a promising future.  We wish him all the best as he embarks on his next adventure at the Bakar Institute of Digital Materials for the Planet at UC Berkeley in August.

Shreya Verma Awarded the R. Stephen Berry Memorial/Joseph Loewenthal Fellowship

Congratulations to Shreya Verma who has been awarded the R. Stephen Berry Memorial/Joseph Loewenthal Fellowship for excellence in research by the Department of Chemistry of the University of Chicago. This fellowship will support her during the academic year 2024 – 2025. Shreya is working on quantum embedding and localization on classical computers toward quantum computing.

Abby Pavlicek Chosen as Quad Summer Undergraduate Research Scholar by Hoeft Family Research Fund

Congrats to Abby Pavlicek for being selected as a Quad Summer Undergraduate Research Scholar with the Hoeft Family Research Fund! Abby’s work for the upcoming summer will focus on “Investigating Magnetic Exchange Coupling in Bimetallic Compounds using Localized Active Space Methods”. Her primary research interests include studying organic & transition metal complexes with single and multireference electronic structure methods, and exploring novel quantum computing algorithmic approaches to theoretical chemistry problems.