Author Archives: tggadmin
Laura is the recipient of the 2016 Bourke Award from the Royal Society of Chemistry, honored for her contributions to quantum chemistry.
This award honors the top scientists in their fields for the originality of their research, the impact of their research, quality of their publications, patents or software, innovation, professional standing, and collaborations and teamwork.
The Spring 2016 issue of the Frontiers in Energy Research newsletter features the work of the Inorganometallic Catalyst Design Center, of which Laura is the Director.
An article, titled “Five Cents About Nickel Catalysts,” was co-authored by Gagliardi group postdoc and ICDC scientific coordinator Varinia Bernales.
A collaborative team of researchers that includes Laura, along with Eray Aydil and Chris Leighton from the Department of Chemical Engineering & Materials Science (CEMS), have received a research grant to explore pyrite iron disulfide as a low-cost solution for renewable electricity.
This team was one of four at the University of Minnesota to receive a $717,360 grant from the Institute on the Environment’s Renewable Electricity for Minnesota’s Future grant program.
A theoretical study was recently performed by Gagliardi group postdoc and Inorganometallic Catalyst Design Center (ICDC) scientific coordinator Varinia Bernales, within a collaboration of the members of the ICDC, on the NU-1000 metal-organic framework (MOF).
This study resulted in a major achievement – the discovery that the adsorption processes of glucose and cellobiose on the NU-1000 MOF occur at the hydrophobic sites. Until now, only enzymes have demonstrated the ability to selectively bond the β-linked dimer of glucose (cellobiose), while completely rejecting the bonding of glucose itself. Great work, Varinia!
Graduate student Chad Hoyer is one of ten recipients of the Department of Chemistry’s 2016-17 Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships (DDF).
The DDF program provides a stipend, tuition, and special travel grants to its awardees. Congratulations, Chad!