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Prachi Sharma awarded a Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship.

Fourth-year graduate student, Prachi Sharma has been awarded a highly competitive Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship for the 2019-20 academic year. Prachi’s research interests focus on developing novel quantum mechanical methods that can accurately describe electron-electron interactions. She is using these methods to predict chemical properties of actinide-transition metal complexes, which are important for catalysis, study of electronic spectra and excited state properties of various organic and inorganic molecules.

Benjamin Yeh has received a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship .

Benjamin Yeh, co-advised by Laura Gagliardi and Aditya Bhan, has received a fellowship in the highly competitive National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP).His research focuses on measuring the kinetics and determining the reaction mechanism for the oligomerization of propenes and butenes on nickel-based metal-organic frameworks through experiment and computation.

Sam Stoneburner has received the 2018-19 Overend Award.

Group member, Sam Stoneburner has received the 2018-19 Overend Award in Physical Chemistry in the theory/computation area.This award honors outstanding physical chemistry graduate student researchers and is named after Professor John Overend who was a physical chemist in the Department of Chemistry from 1960 to 1984.

Joshua Borycz has accepted a position as STEM Librarian at Vanderbilt University.

Former graduate student, Joshua Borycz has accepted a position as STEM Librarian at Vanderbilt University. In this role he will be an advocate for library services to scientific researchers. In addition to teaching both graduate and undergraduate students how to conduct research more efficiently and how to organize and store research data, he will perform research to determine what tools and practices will most help faculty and students succeed in their coursework and research. Congratulations, Josh!

Soumen Ghosh has been awarded a Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers.

Soumen Ghosh, former graduate student, has been awarded a Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers for his work in Prof. Frank Neese’s group at the Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung. His goal is to develop accurate and efficient excited state electronic structure methods for open-shell chemical systems. He is developing new excited state methods for open-shell systems based on the similarity transformed equation of motion coupled cluster (STEOM-CC) approach. Conventional coupled cluster methods can only be applied to small and medium size chemical systems. However, the domain based local pair natural orbital (DLPNO) approach, developed recently by Neese and coworkers, have significantly reduced the cost of coupled cluster calculations. Soumen’s excited state methods will be combined with DLPNO approach to make them computationally more efficient. All these methods will be implemented in the computational chemistry software Orca.