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Collaboration with Los Alamos National Laboratory advances the knowledge of actinide systems

In collaboration with scientists from the Los Alamos National Laboratory, Laura and former postdoc Jing Xie (currently an assistant professor at the School of Chemistry and Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing, China) have synthesized and characterized the first 2-metallabiphenylene compounds, advancing the knowledge of actinide systems that can show unique spectroscopies and reactivities.

This work has been published in Nature and featured in Chemistry World and ChemistryViews.

Gagliardi group members publish collaborative works.

In a highly collaborative work, researchers were able to report the activation of C2 and C3 alkanes over well-defined, mononuclear iron sites situated within the nodes of a MOF that bear similar nuclearity, oxidation state (+2), and spin state (S=2) to iron centers in certain enzymes that activate alkanes oxidatively. Experiments characterizing the bulk structure of the MOF and its reactivity were performed by Gagliardi group graduate student Matthew Simons (co-advised by Aditya Bhan), and Jenny Vitillo, Ph.D., Gagliardi group postdoc (co-advised by Connie Lu), performed the synthesis and quantum mechanical characterization of the material. This study has recently been reported in the Journal of the American Chemical Society.

Gagliardi group presents at 7th Annual OpenMolcas Developers’ Workshop!

The 7th Annual OpenMolcas Developers’ Workshop took place on June 12-14, 2019 at the University of Minnesota. The workshop consisted of a mixture of technical and scientific reports from Molcas developers, scientific perspectives from Molcas users, and discussion sessions. Many Gagliardi group members presented, including Carlo Alberto Gaggioli, Matthew Hermes, Riddhish Pandharkar, Thais Scott, and Prachi Sharma. The workshop was sponsored by Molcas and by the Inorganometallic Catalyst Design Center. It was hosted by the Minnesota Supercomputing Institute.

Gagliardi group participates in ICDC collaborative work.

The collaborative work of several members of the University of Minnesota’s Inorganometallic Catalyst Design Center (ICDC), an article titled “C–H Bond Activation on Bimetallic Two-Atom Co-M Oxide Clusters Deposited on Zr-Based MOF Nodes: Effects of Doping at the Molecular Level,” was recently featured in the journal <em>ACS Catalysis.