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Joanna Wang passes her candidacy exam

The Gagliardi Group congratulates Joanna Wang for successfully passing her candidacy exam! Joanna’s work focuses on “Unraveling chemical processes through hybrid quantum-classical algorithms with localized wave functions.” Her primary research interests are developing hybrid algorithms for multireference theory and studying chemical reactions with multireference methods. We eagerly anticipate her continued success and contributions to the field. Well done, Joanna!

Congratulations to Bhavnesh Jangid and Jacob Wardzala upon passing their candidacy exams

The Gagliardi Group congratulates Bhavnesh Jangid and Jacob Wardzala on their achievement in passing their candidacy exams! Bhavnesh’s work focuses on the “Development of quantum embedding based methods for efficient and accurate prediction of the core-level spectroscopy” and Jacob’s focuses on “Automated active space selection for systematic multireference calculations in reactivity”. The Gagliardi group wishes you both continued success as you progress in your academic endeavors.

Double the Cheers, Double the Joy

The Gagliardi Group celebrates not just one but two group members.  We are wishing a very Happy Birthday to Valay Agarawal, our brilliant PhD student, and Soumi Haldar, our dedicated postdoctoral researcher.  Here’s to many more moments of working well together and achieving great things!