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July 2024 People and Events

Farewell and Best Wishes to Dr. Leon Otis

The Gagliardi Group recently celebrated Leon Otis at a farewell party as he prepares to embark on a new journey.  Leon will be joining Rice University as a postdoctoral researcher in the group of James Shee.  We are excited to see him begin this new chapter and wish him continued success in his future endeavors!

July 2024 Fun and Games People and Events

Gagliardi Group’s Summer Get-together

The Gagliardi Group recently met up at Lake Michigan to enjoy a summer afternoon.  They enjoyed chatting, strengthening friendships, and eating great food.  It was a refreshing afternoon full of laughter and memorable moments together.

June 2024 People and Events

Bhavnesh Jangid has received the Olshansky Graduate Student Travel Award

Bhavnesh will use the travel award to attend the American Conference on Theoretical Chemistry 2024 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

He will present a poster on his recent work on “Quantum Embedding based approaches for the core-level spectroscopy simulations”.  In this work, he had presented the scalable and cost-effective simulation of core IP of large systems with highly expensive methods like EOM-CC.

Congratulations Bhavnesh!

June 2024 People and Events

Abhishek Mitra has accomplished the defense of his PhD thesis with success!

Abhishek Mitra successfully defended his PhD thesis titled “Fragmentation-Based Quantum Chemistry on Classical and Quantum Computers”.  In July, he will join the Department of Research Education & Training Center (RETC) at Cleveland Clinic as a Postdoctoral Fellow in the lab of Dr. Kenneth Merz.  We wish Abhishek all the best in his future endeavors!
June 2024 People and Events

Dr. Daniel King successfully graduated on June 1, 2024

Congratulations to our newest Ph.D.!  His dedication and hard work have paved the way for a promising future.  We wish him all the best as he embarks on his next adventure at the Bakar Institute of Digital Materials for the Planet at UC Berkeley in August.

June 2024 People and Events

Shreya Verma Awarded the R. Stephen Berry Memorial/Joseph Loewenthal Fellowship

Shreya Verma

Congratulations to Shreya Verma who has been awarded the R. Stephen Berry Memorial/Joseph Loewenthal Fellowship for excellence in research by the Department of Chemistry of the University of Chicago. This fellowship will support her during the academic year 2024 – 2025. Shreya is working on quantum embedding and localization on classical computers toward quantum computing.

May 2024 People and Events

Abby Pavlicek Chosen as Quad Summer Undergraduate Research Scholar by Hoeft Family Research Fund

Congrats to Abby Pavlicek for being selected as a Quad Summer Undergraduate Research Scholar with the Hoeft Family Research Fund! Abby’s work for the upcoming summer will focus on “Investigating Magnetic Exchange Coupling in Bimetallic Compounds using Localized Active Space Methods”. Her primary research interests include studying organic & transition metal complexes with single and multireference electronic structure methods, and exploring novel quantum computing algorithmic approaches to theoretical chemistry problems.

April 2024 People and Events

Mónica Lugo joins Gagliardi Group

Mónica Lugo
We’re thrilled to announce that Mónica Lugo has joined the Gagliardi Group as our new Managing Director. She brings a wealth of experience in administration and a heartfelt dedication to community development.

Before stepping into this role, Mónica served as the Executive Assistant to Maestro Riccardo Muti at the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, where she expertly managed his extensive agenda and fostered global stakeholder relationships since 2017. Additionally, Mónica has led the Alegre Strings Program at Merit School of Music for over a decade, guiding hundreds of students from underserved communities to achieve remarkable success in music and beyond.

With certifications in Net Zero and Sustainability Analysis, along with a Master of Music from Johns Hopkins University, Mónica brings a unique blend of skills and vision to her new position.

Welcome, Mónica!

March 2024 Research and Publications

ACS Central Science Publication Featured by PME

Graduate students, Daniel King and Jacob Wardzala, and Laura Gagliardi were recently published in ACS Central Science and featured on the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering website. We would like to note that this is Jacob Wardzala’s first publication with the Gagliardi Group. Congratulations, Jacob! In their publication, Organic Reactivity Made Easy and Accurate with Automated Multireference Calculations, the group discusses automated multiconfigurational pair-density functional theory (MC-PDFT) calculations, a method they applied to 908 automatically generated organic reactions and found that the automated multiconfigurational approach provided more accurate and/or efficient descriptions than those of DFT and CCSD(T).

February 2024 People and Events

Joanna Wang passes her candidacy exam

The Gagliardi Group congratulates Joanna Wang for successfully passing her candidacy exam! Joanna’s work focuses on “Unraveling chemical processes through hybrid quantum-classical algorithms with localized wave functions.” Her primary research interests are developing hybrid algorithms for multireference theory and studying chemical reactions with multireference methods. We eagerly anticipate her continued success and contributions to the field. Well done, Joanna!

October 2023 People and Events

Congratulations to Bhavnesh Jangid and Jacob Wardzala upon passing their candidacy exams

The Gagliardi Group congratulates Bhavnesh Jangid and Jacob Wardzala on their achievement in passing their candidacy exams! Bhavnesh’s work focuses on the “Development of quantum embedding based methods for efficient and accurate prediction of the core-level spectroscopy” and Jacob’s focuses on “Automated active space selection for systematic multireference calculations in reactivity”. The Gagliardi group wishes you both continued success as you progress in your academic endeavors.

September 2023 Fun and Games People and Events

Double the Cheers, Double the Joy

The Gagliardi Group celebrates not just one but two group members.  We are wishing a very Happy Birthday to Valay Agarawal, our brilliant PhD student, and Soumi Haldar, our dedicated postdoctoral researcher.  Here’s to many more moments of working well together and achieving great things!

September 2023 People and Events

Gagliardi Group says Farewell to Gautam Stroscio

It’s with mixed emotions that we bid farewell to our brilliant colleague, Gautam Stroscio, as he embarks on a new adventure.  After making valuable contributions to the Gagiardi Research Group, Gautam is taking his talents to the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.