WooSeok Jeong begins AI research fellow position in Korea
Postdoc WooSeok Jeong has departed the group to begin an AI research fellow position with the Center for AI and Natural Sciences of Korea Institute for Advanced Study.
We wish you the very best, WooSeok!
Laura is Featured on JACS Web Series
Laura is featured on JACS in Conversation With…, a web series from the Journal of the American Chemical Society.
She shares how her professional career trajectory took her from Italy to the United States, why she compares chemists to cooks, and her thoughts on the importance of theoretical chemistry to experimental chemistry and the field overall. Watch the conversation here.
Nsa Druinaud Joins Gagliardi Group
Nsa Druinaud joins the Gagliardi Group as its administrator.
Welcome, Nsa!
Laura awarded Royal Society of Chemistry’s Faraday Lectureship Prize.
Laura has been named the winner of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Faraday Lectureship Prize, celebrating the most exciting chemical science taking place today. She won the prize for contributions to the development of multireference quantum chemical approaches to describe catalysis and excited state phenomena. She also receives £3000 and a medal. Read more about it from the Department of Chemistry here. Brava, Laura!
Laura Wins Royal Society of Chemistry’s Faraday Lectureship Prize
Laura has been named the winner of the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Faraday Lectureship Prize, celebrating the most exciting chemical science taking place today.
She won the prize for contributions to the development of multireference quantum chemical approaches to describe catalysis and excited state phenomena. She also receives £3000 and a medal. Read more about it from the Department of Chemistry here. Brava, Laura!
Teffanie Goh receives the 2021 Nathan Sugarman Teaching Award in General Chemistry.
Group member, Teffanie Goh has received the 2021 Nathan Sugarman Teaching Award in General Chemistry.Congratulations, Teffanie!
Teffanie Goh Receives Teaching Award
Group member Teffanie Goh has received the 2021 Nathan Sugarman Teaching Award in General Chemistry.
Congratulations, Teffanie!
Dr. Matt Simons successfully defended his doctoral thesis.
Dr. Matt Simons successfully defended his doctoral thesis with the title “C-H Activation via Direct Oxidative Routes over Molecular Metal-oxo Species Situated in Metal-Organic Frameworks.” Matt has accepted a position at the Dow Chemical Company as a Senior Research Specialist in Packaging, Specialty Plastics and Hyrdocarbons R&D, Process and Catalysis, New Process Technology Development Department located in Freeport, TX.
Dr. Matt Simons successfully defends his thesis
Dr. Matt Simons successfully defended his doctoral thesis with the title “C-H Activation via Direct Oxidative Routes over Molecular Metal-oxo Species Situated in Metal-Organic Frameworks.”
Matt has accepted a position at the Dow Chemical Company as a Senior Research Specialist in Packaging, Specialty Plastics and Hyrdocarbons R&D, Process and Catalysis, New Process Technology Development Department located in Freeport, TX.
Bess Vlaisavljevich Winner of an Overend Award
Bess Vlaisavljevich has been selected as one of this year’s winners of the Overend Award for Graduate Research in Physical Chemistry.
Congrats, Bess!
Debmalya Ray and Hung Pham successfully defend their PhD!
Debmalya Ray and Hung Pham have both successfully defended their PhD. Bravo, Debmalya and Hung!
Laura has been elected into the National Academy of Sciences!
Laura has been elected into the National Academy of Sciences!
This honor recognizes her distinguished and continuing achievements in original research.
Laura has been elected into the National Academy of Sciences!
This honor recognizes her distinguished and continuing achievements in original research.
Gautam Stroscio Joins the Gagliardi Group
Gautam Stroscio has joined the group as a postdoc after recently completing his Ph.D. in the Hadt group at the California Institute of Technology.
He is interested in actinide chemistry and metal-organic frameworks. Welcome, Gautam!
Laura takes over the JACS twitter account for a day
On March 3, Laura as Associate Editor of the Journal of the American Chemical Society takes over the J. Am. Chem. Soc. (@J_A_C_S) twitter account for one day to talk about theory, computation, what people want to see in JACS, and what she’s looking for as an editor.
Come and bring your questions!
Debmalya Ray publishes his second to last paper on the conductivity of metal-organic frameworks
Debmalya Ray, who will graduate in May 2021, publishes his second to last paper on the conductivity of metal-organic frameworks, “Tuning the Conductivity of Hexa-Zirconium(IV) Metal–Organic Frameworks by Encapsulating Heterofullerenes” in Chemistry of Materials. Excellent work, Debmalya!
Teffanie Goh has joined the Gagliardi Group.
First-year graduate student, Teffanie Goh has joined the Gagliardi Group.Welcome, Teffanie!
Paul Calio joins Gagliardi group!
Paul Calio has joined the group as a postdoc after recently completing his Ph.D. in the Voth group at the University of Chicago. He is interested in multireference electronic structure, molecular dynamics, and metal-organic frameworks.Welcome, Paul!
Matthew Hermes is now Staff Scientist; Takes a leadership role in several projects
Matthew Hermes, previously a postdoc in the group, is now Staff Scientist. In this position he will take a leadership role in several projects in the Gagliardi group as well as the Chicago Center for Theoretical Chemistry (CCTCh).
Congrats, Matthew!
Carlo Alberto Gaggioli begins a position with Galli Group at the University of Chicago
Postdoc Carlo Alberto Gaggioli has departed the group to begin a postdoc position with the Galli Group at the University of Chicago.
We wish you the very best, Carlo!
Anushrut Mishra has completed his Master’s degree
Graduate student Anushrut Mishra has completed his Master’s degree and will seek new professional opportunities. It has been great to have you in the group, Anushrut!
Two Gagliardi group members honored for earning 4.0 GPAs for the 2019-20 school year.
Graduate students, Daniel King and Abhishek Mitra have been honored by the Department of Chemistry for earning 4.0 GPAs for the 2019-20 school year. Nice work, Daniel and Abhishek!
Laura gives a seminar at the University at Buffalo.
Great talk, Laura!
Gagliardi group member receives University of Minnesota Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) grant.
Undergraduate, Youngsu Shin is a recipient of a University of Minnesota Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) grant for fall 2020. He will continue his work with the Gagliardi group on a project titled “Dimerization of linear olefins.” Way to go, Youngsu!
Matt Simons receives the Richard D. Amelar and Arthur S. Lodge Fellowship for Outstanding Collaborative Research in Materials.
Graduate student, Matt Simons, co-advised by Laura and Professor Aditya Bhan, has received the Richard D. Amelar and Arthur S. Lodge Fellowship for Outstanding Collaborative Research in Materials for 2020-21.This award is given to a student whose research interests encompass the overlapping scope of chemistry and chemical engineering and materials science. Award winners must have demonstrated excellence in their areas of interest and a willingness to collaborate with other students and/or research groups. Congrats, Matt!