Methane functionalization by an Ir(III) catalyst supported on a metal–organic framework: an alternative explanation of steric confinement effects
Nature of the 11Bu and 21Ag Excited States of Butadiene and the Goldilocks Principle of Basis Set Diffuseness
In Situ Formation of Unprecedented Neptunium-Oxide Wheel Clusters Stabilized in a Metal–Organic Framework
Multilink F* Method for Combined Quantum Mechanical and Molecular Mechanical Calculations of Complex Systems
State-interaction pair density functional theory for locally avoided crossings of potential energy surfaces in methylamine
Lead-Free Double Perovskites Cs2InCuCl6 and (CH3NH3)2InCuCl6: Electronic, Optical, and Electrical Properties
Full Correlation in a Multiconfigurational Study of Bimetallic Clusters: Restricted Active Space Pair-Density Functional Theory Study of [2Fe-2S] Systems