Uranium(III)-carbon multiple bonding supported by arene δ-bonding in mixed-valence hexauranium nanometre-scale rings
Computational Study of Structural and Electronic Properties of Lead-Free CsMI3 Perovskites (M = Ge, Sn, Pb, Mg, Ca, Sr, and Ba)
Automatic Selection of an Active Space for Calculating Electronic Excitation Spectra by MS-CASPT2 or MC-PDFT
Can Density Matrix Embedding Theory with the Complete Activate Space Self-Consistent Field Solver Describe Single and Double Bond Breaking in Molecular Systems?
C–H Bond Activation on Bimetallic Two-Atom Co-M Oxide Clusters Deposited on Zr-Based MOF Nodes: Effects of Doping at the Molecular Level
Computational screening of MOF-supported transition metal catalysts for activity and selectivity in ethylene dimerization
Structure and Dynamics of Zr6O8 Metal–Organic Framework Node Surfaces Probed with Ethanol Dehydration as a Catalytic Test Reaction