Laura shares her research trajectory and projects, insights into the synergy between experimental and computational chemistry, and her advice for women and young scientists in Nature Computational Science. Read the interview here.
Category Archives: People and Events
Ben Yeh is selected as one of the recipients of a 2022 Kokes Award for NAM27.
Graduate student, Ben Yeh, is selected as one of the recipients of a 2022 Kokes Award for the 27th North American Catalysis Society meeting in New York, NY being held on May 22-27, 2022. This travel award, sponsored by the North American Catalysis Society, provides funding for the conference registration fee and accommodation to encourage students to attend and participate in this biennial conference.
Sílvia Escayola visits Gagliardi group!
Sílvia Escayola, a Ph.D. student at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Girona in Spain, joins the group as a visiting scholar during Winter 2022 to collaborate with Gagliardi Group members. Welcome, Sílvia!
American Chemical Society (ACS) announces Laura as editor in chief of the Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation!
The Publications Division of the American Chemical Society (ACS) announced that four of its leading journals will be under the direction of new editors in chief beginning in 2022, with Laura leading the Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation (JCTC). Read the press release on the ACS website.
Aleks Lykhin is a recipient of the Suzuki Postdoctoral Fellowship Award 2021-2022!
Post doc, Aleks Lykhin, is one of two recipients of the 2021-2022 Suzuki Postdoctoral Fellowship Award. The award recognizes outstanding postdoctoral researchers and provides a salary top-off. Bravo, Aleks! Read the story on the Physical Sciences Division website.
The Gagliardi Group launches its new website!
The Gagliardi Group is excited to launch its new website. Feel free to take a look around!
Gagliardi group welcomes two graduate students!
The Gagliardi group welcomes two graduate students: Shreya Verma and Ricardo Almada Monter.
Gagliardi group welcomes a new post doc and three graduate students!
The Gagliardi group is expanding! We are elated to welcome Soumi Haldar as a post doc within our group and our newest graduate students: Valay Agarawal, Matthew Hennefarth, and Zihan Pengmei.
Noah Dohrmann has been selected as a 2021-2022 Quad Undergraduate Research Scholar.
Undergraduate, Noah Dohrmann, has been selected as a 2021-2022 Quad Undergraduate Research Scholar. Bravo, Noah. Read the story on the Department of Chemistry web site!
Our First In-Person Group Dinner
The Gagliardi group is thrilled to gather over a slice for our first group in-person dinner at the Univeristy of Chicago!
It was good to see both new and familiar faces, including some promising first-year graduate students whom we hope will join our group.