Laura gives a lecture at the ICS Symposium.
On May 30, Laura gave a lecture at the ICS Symposium Honoring the 2018 Wolf Prize Laureates in Chemistry. During the symposium she was admitted to Honorary Membership of the Israel Chemical Society.
Stay up to date with the happenings of the Gagliardi group!
On May 30, Laura gave a lecture at the ICS Symposium Honoring the 2018 Wolf Prize Laureates in Chemistry. During the symposium she was admitted to Honorary Membership of the Israel Chemical Society.
Dr. Vlaisavljevich is now assistant professor at the University of South Dakota and Dr. Bernales has just started working for Dow Chemical Company, in Midland, Michigan. We are very proud of you!
On May 7, Laura received the medal of science academy from the University of Bologna, her Alma Mater.
The theory faculty are happy to welcome three undergraduate students to Minnesota as participants in the 2018 Summer Undergraduate Theoretical Chemistry Research Fellowship sponsored by the Chemical Theory Center (CTC), Inorganometallic Catalyst Design Center (ICDC), and the Nanoporous Materials Genome Center (NMGC) within the Department of Chemistry.
They are here for 10 weeks (June-August) and will conduct research in theoretical chemistry. Elizabeth Smithwick (Duke University, Durham, NC) is working in the Goodpaster group, Jan Kadlec (Charles University, Prague) is working in the Gagliardi group, and Hung Vuong (Grinnell College, Grinnell, IA) is working in the Truhlar group. Welcome to all of you and we wish you the best with your summer research experience.
Dr. Xin-Ping Wu, a postdoctoral scholar co-advised by Don Truhlar, has proposed that metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) containing cerium would also be good photocatalysts. This work, supported by the Nanoporous Materials Genome Center, shows the power of theory in engineering the electronic properties of functional nanoporous materials.
Thais Scott, first-year graduate student, is one of six students honored through the National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program. This is quite an accomplishment!
Laura has been honored with a prestigious Humboldt Research Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, which will enable her to conduct research with scientists in Germany in 2019.
The Nanoporous Materials Genome Center (NMGC), a multi-institution collaboration led by the University of Minnesota, received a four-year continuation of its funding, effective September 1, 2017. Laura is the founding Director of NMGC and continues as a member of the Center.
The collaborative work of several members of the University of Minnesota’s Inorganometallic Catalyst Design Center (ICDC), an article titled “C–H Bond Activation on Bimetallic Two-Atom Co-M Oxide Clusters Deposited on Zr-Based MOF Nodes: Effects of Doping at the Molecular Level,” was recently featured in the journal <em>ACS Catalysis.
WooSeok Jeong, most recently of the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, has joined the group as a postdoc.
The group welcomes Matthew Hermes, most recently a postdoc in the Scuseria Group at Rice University in Houston, TX, as a postdoc.
On January 29-31, Laura, grad student, Matt Simons, and postdocs, Jenny Vitillo and Jingyun Ye attended the New Challenges in Heterogeneous Catalysis conference at KAUST.Laura gave a talk on “Computationally Guided Discovery of Metal-Decorated Metal–Organic Frameworks Active for Catalysis,” and Jingyun won one of the prizes at the poster competition with a poster titled “Computational Study of MOF-Supported Metal Catalysts for Ethylene Dimerization.”
Former graduate student, Chad Hoyer has accepted a postdoctoral position in the research group of Xiaosong Li in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Washington.Great news!
Postdoc, Andrew Sand is the author of the November 7 Los Angeles Times crossword puzzle. It is not just Andrew’s cientific papers that get published! See the puzzle.
The group welcomes three first-year graduate students: Riddhish Umesh Pandharkar (co-advised by Chris Cramer), Thais Scott, and Jacob White. We are glad to have you with us. We are glad to have you with us.
Undergraduate, Sunny Zheng is a recipient of a University of Minnesota Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) grant for spring 2018. Her project is titled “Effect of Electron Correlation in Modeling the Ground and Excited-State Geometries of Ozone and the Reaction Mechanism of the Cope Rearrangement.”
Graduate student, Sam Stoneburner is one of four finalists in the 2017 Dow Chemical SISCA (Sustainability Innovation Student Challenge Award) competition. SISCA recognizes and rewards student innovation and research on sustainable solutions to the world’s most pressing social, economic and environmental problems.
Some members of the group are pictured, below, in the Group lab.
The Inorganometallic Catalyst Design Center (ICDC) held its annual All-Hands Meeting at the Saint Paul Hotel. All of the junior investigators in the ICDC, many of whom are members of the Gagliardi Group, participated in the talks and poster session, and did an excellent job.
“Viewpoint on the 2017 American Conference on Theoretical Chemistry,” published in J. Phys. Chem. A, discusses the latest efforts of the Gagliardi group.
On September 15, graduate student, Chad Hoyer (co-advised by Don Truhlar) successfully defended his thesis, “Electronic Structure Method Development for Excited-State Chemistry.”He is currently exploring postdoctoral opportunities. Congratulations, Chad!
The Inorganometallic Catalyst Design Center (ICDC) held its annual meeting on September 11-12, at the St. Paul Hotel. Several members of the group are members of the ICDC; Laura is the Director.
Laura has been elected to the World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists (WATOC) Board.
Welcome to four undergraduates, joining the group for Fall 2017: Molly Andersen, Michelle Anderson, Yesenia Vega, and Sunny Zheng.
Postdoc, Varinia Bernales has received a travel grant to present her research at the 254th American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition in Washington, D.C., August 20-24, 2017.Congratulations, Varinia!