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July 2017 Research and Publications

ICDC co-hosts The Minnesota Workshop, ab Initio Modeling in Solid State Chemistry with CRYSTAL.

The University of Minnesota’s Inorganometallic Catalyst Design Center (ICDC), the Minnesota Supercomputing Institute, and the Chemical Theory Center (CTC), along with the Theoretical Chemistry Group of the University of Torino, Italy, co-hosted The Minnesota Workshop, ab Initio Modeling in Solid State Chemistry with CRYSTAL, from July 9-14, at Minnesota. CRYSTAL is a computational tool for solid state chemistry and physics. Read more about the workshop and the software, and see photos of the participants on the Department of Chemistry’s web site.

CRYSTAL workshop poster winners

June 2017 Research and Publications

Jenny G. Vitillo and Laura Gagliardi serve as guest editors of a special issue of Chemical Review.

Jenny G. Vitillo, Laura, and Berend Smit (EPF Lausanne) were the guest editors of a special issue of Chemical Review on “Carbon Capture and Separation.”The July 26 cover of Chemical Review, designed by Jenny, features the multipronged strategy envisaged to divert the trend in the terrestrial average temperature on time to keep it under the limit of 1.5 °C. Great work!

July 26 cover of Chemical Review

June 2017 Research and Publications

Jingyun Ye selected as a winner for the CRYSTAL workshop poster session contest.

A poster session was held on Wednesday, July 12, as part of the CRYSTAL workshop. Five winners were chosen: Sara Dampf of Syracuse University , Tae Yun Kim of Seoul National University (South Korea), Duwage Perera of the University of Maine, Stefano Racioppi of the Università degli Studi di Milano (Italy), and Gagliardi group member, Jingyun Ye. Congratulations to the winners!

June 2017 People and Events

Soumen Ghosh selected for 2017-18 Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship.

Fourth-year grad student, Soumen Ghosh is one of seven graduate students selected by the Department of Chemistry for a Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship for the 2017-18 academic year. Soumen is co-advised by Chris Cramer. Congratulations, Soumen!

June 2017 Research and Publications

Laura completes a lecture tour in the United Kingdom for the RSC Bourke award.

From June 1-9, Laura was on a lecture tour in the United Kingdom for the RSC Bourke award that she received in 2016. She gave lectures at Imperial College London, at the University of Sheffield, at the Faraday Discussion on New Directions in Porous Crystalline Materials in Edinburgh, and at the University of Southampton.

June 2017 People and Events

Gagliardi group welcomes undergraduate student for summer program.

The theory faculty are happy to welcome four undergraduate students to Minnesota as participants in the first Chemical Theory Center/Inorganometallic Catalyst Design Center summer program within the Department of Chemistry. They are here for 10 weeks (June-August) and will conduct research in theoretical chemistry. Katherine Kidder (Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, PA) is working in the Gagliardi group, under postdoc Andrew Sand, on multiconfiguration pair-density function theory; Hirbod Heidari (Sharif University, Tehran) is working in Don Truhlar’s group; Jason Goodpaster is advising Hunter Wilson (James Madison University, Harrisonburg, PA), and Qining Wang (Rutgers University) is part of Chris Cramer’s group. Welcome to all of you and we wish you the best with your summer research experience.

May 2017 People and Events

Varinia Bernales has been honored with one of two Wiley/ACS Computers in Chemistry Outstanding PostDoc Awards.

Postdoc, Varinia Bernales has been honored with one of two Wiley/ACS Computers in Chemistry Outstanding PostDoc Awards. From the award notification: “This award is a testimony of the high impact and quality of your research, and, as future leaders in the field, you are going to contribute in shaping the computational chemistry of the future.” Read more on the Department of Chemistry web site. This is quite an accomplishment!

May 2017 Research and Publications

Sam Stoneburner honored with cover feature.

Graduate student, Sam Stoneburner‘s recent paper, “Catechol-Ligated Transition Metals: A Quantum Chemical Study on a Promising System for Gas Separation”, was selected as the cover feature for the latest issue of the Journal of Physical Chemistry C.

May 2017 People and Events

Molly Andersen receives two fellowships!

Undergraduate researcher, Molly Andersen, has received two fellowships: from the Department of Chemistry, the David A. and Merece H. Johnson Scholarship “for outstanding achievement in undergraduate research as well as overall scholastic excellence,” and from the School of Physics and Astronomy, the Hagstrum Award in Physics, which “is awarded to a senior in physics showing excellence and promise in their chosen field.”Congratulations to Molly.

April 2017 Research and Publications

Laura and the Gagliardi group gave several talks at the ACS 253rd National Meeting and Exposition.

As part of The American Chemical Society (ACS) 253rd National Meeting & Exposition on Advanced Materials, Technologies, Systems & Processes, April 2-6, 2017, in San Francisco, there was a Women in COMP breakfast on Tuesday, April 4. This was a mentorship opportunity for female postdoctoral scholars. In addition to this special program, Laura and Gagliardi group postdoc Jing Xie gave several talks at ACS.

April 2017 People and Events

Jenny Vitillo joins the Gagliardi group!

The group welcomes new postdoc, Jenny Vitillo, from Università di Torino (University of Turin), Italy. She is co-advised by Laura and UMN Chemistry faculty member, Connie Lu. We are happy to have you here, Jenny.

February 2017 People and Events

Group welcomes three new members!

The group welcomes three new members: postdoc Davide Presti, who comes to Minnesota from the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy, University of Minnesota undergraduate researcher Michelle Anderson, and postdoc Carlo Gaggioli from Università degli Studi di Perugia, Perugia, Italy.

December 2016 Research and Publications

Laura gave the MARVEL NCCR Distinguished Lecture at EPFL.

On December 20, Laura  gave the MARVEL NCCR Distinguished Lecture at EPFL (École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne) in Lausanne, Switzerland. The lecture was on “Homogenous and heterogeneous catalysis: two challenges for modern quantum chemistry.” You can listen to and watch the lecture here.

December 2016 People and Events

New postdoc joins the group.

Jingyun Ye joined the group as a postdoctoral researcher. She is co-advised by Laura, Chris Cramer, and Don Truhlar. Welcome, Jingyun!

December 2016 Research and Publications

Gagliardi group featured in an article about Metal-Organic Frameworks.

An article about Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs), describing the work of some of the members of the Gagliardi and Cramer groups at Minnesota, along with other members of the Inorganometallic Catalyst Design Center (ICDC), was featured in the News section of the Department of Chemistry’s web site. Read the article.

December 2016 People and Events

Gagliardi group awarded massively parallel processing hours.

Laura and Don Truhlar, along with some of the postdocs in the Gagliardi group, were awarded 229,000 massively parallel processing (MPP) hours for computing projects at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) for 2017, as part of the efforts of the Inorganometallic Catalyst Design Center (ICDC), of which Laura is the Director. Read the story on the Department of Chemistry web site.

December 2016 People and Events

Dale Pahls accepts a postdoctoral researcher position.

Postdoc Dale Pahls has accepted a postdoctoral researcher position in the Materials Science Division of Argonne National Laboratory in Argonne, Illinois. We wish you the best, Dale!